- Sitia county
- History & Culture
- Landscapes
- Rural Life

- Sitia county
The Sitia province, thanks to its climate, its geological formations, and its pristine nature is an ideal place to experience the four elements that form the world in their most ancient form and power: Earth, Water, Air, and Light. The earth, high in the mountains of the mainland, the water, in the seas of the endless beaches and the small islands surrounding it, the air in the sides and tops of the hills, and the light, the powerful and living sun in the beaches and the open horizons of the East and the South.

- History & Culture
Each historical era has left its sign in the soil of Sitia. During the declining years of the Minoan civilisation, the city of Presos continued to uphold Minoan values, successfully holding off Dorian invaders.

- Landscapes
Two areas of the Sitia province are integrated to the "NATURA 2000" network (EU guide 92/43/ AIE), which are of great interest, in terms of natural environment.

- Rural Life
As rich and beautiful the nature in Sitia district is so interesting and alive is the rural life there. The grounds of Sitia, the plains, the valleys the hills and the feet of the mountains are cultivated while the rest of the land, the mountainsides the holly and olive tree forests the acres covered with prickly brooms, sage, thyme and other aromatic plants offer lodging and food to many free-range flocks of sheep and goats.